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Friday, March 30, 2012

A Different Perspective

I read two TMS forums and I came across a post that really made me realize that I'm trying to be too perfect about my recovery.  Also, my therapist said, "Is it ok if you're not 100% pain free....maybe 95%?"  In addition, some posts that I've made on TMS help forum, others have indicated and I have indicated that I'm trying to be too perfect about this.  I don't think it's realistic to be 100% pain free all the time.  We're human and we have pains from time to time.  Here's the post:

"A lot of TMSers are perfectionist, and I think it is very easy to bring this personality trait into our treatments and feel like we have to have the perfect recovery story. But this can lead to frustration and doubt when we don't get better right away, and I really think it can prevent us from recovering. I have to say, what helped me more then anything else was knowing that I didn't have to limit myself anymore. If I had some pain, I could still do whatever I wanted to do, because it was not a structural problem. Recovering isn't about never having pain for the rest of your life. Recovery to me is simply having the freedom to do what we want. If we have pain a couple times a week, then who cares. We know its just TMS, and don't have to let it take over our lives."

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